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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Prop-making night

So this year Maggie is taking part in Odyssey of the Mind (more info at the link) and tonight we all got together and started working on their props. Here's the kicker...we can't "help" them. I couldn't even hold a piece of felt while she was trying to cut it...ugh, talk about difficult! We could go over ideas they had with them, ask them to look around for things that might make good props...ask them how THEY would put it together, but we could not "help" them do any of it...yes pop-pop it KILLED me!
I do have to tell you, they worked hard, painted, assembled, and stapled their little hearts are just a couple of the pictures! We basically sat around and made sure that they didn't cut their little fingers off! I am truly impressed with the results of their hard work. Their competition is on March 7th, so keep your fingers crossed...Maggie has three pages of script to learn for their competition.(the kids even had to write their own script, it's really cute) Their problem for the competition is a Candy shop...only the ingredients all have to be healthy...Here are couple pictures from the night...

maggie using "big people" scissors trying to cut out her felt designs

tracing circles for her felt lolli-pops

Fionn wandering around with daddy

"hi ya mom"

"what, i'm just chillin"

one more note: Pop-pop feel better soon!!

2 wonderful people say::

Anonymous said...

Mags you can do it, I know you can and I can't wait to see you.

Fionn and Daddy cool pictures,especially the one of you and Dad just chillin!

Awesome pictures Ging!

Pop Pop will have more tests soon and is doing well this morning.
I love and miss you all bunches. Mema

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pictures - what a great experience for you Maggie! It looks like you are doing a great job even without "help"! We will see you soon.

Love the pictures also of Greg & Fionn - he is growing so much. See you in 2 weeks.

Aunt She