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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Prayers for Greg part two...

Today(Wednesday) is Greg's follow up appointment at the specialist. It's bright and early, and possibly by the time you read this we'll have already been there and back! I tried to wear him out yesterday so he wouldn't think about it, but I know that he's really worried. REALLY REALLY worried....he has not complained of pain too much for the last few weeks, and then yesterday he was in a lot of pain again.
Today they will check to see if the "lumps" have grown, and we'll decide a course of action from there. They may decide to do surgery to biopsy, or well, i don't know what "or" is at this point...and I'm not even going near the "C" word. I can't. plain and simple. it has yet to be ruled out, but until they say that word for sure, i won't even let my brain think about that.
We will update everyone once we know something, or at least have a clue as to what happens next. Thank you all for the prayers I know you will say, without me even asking. We are a lucky family to have such great friends and family!!


3 wonderful people say::

Laurie in Ca. said...


I will be praying for Greg and all that is to come. I am praying for your heart too as it is so hard not to worry. Prayer is a powerful thing and I am praying this for you today.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Nicole said...

Praying for all of you!

Love, Nicole

Anonymous said...

Ginger & Greg

You know that our prayers and love are with you all the time - such a hard thing to go through - uncertainty - but God knows your future and He loves you,will care for you and carry you through the hard and good times. Can't wait to see you all - hugs & kisses, Aunt She