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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Prayers Needed once again...

Hello all our dear friends and family. Tonight is a hard post for me to write, but we need your prayers. Yesterday Greg went to the Dr. and came back and dropped a bomb on me...
They found a lump, and he needs further testing.
He's not a big fan of talking about the details of this situation, so all I can tell you all is that yes, it very well can be cancerous. He broke down and told me he's known it was there for a while now, and finally went to see someone about it. He also left all the paperwork in the car, so I went and got it and scheduled his test for tomorrow. We will not know anything definitive(i don't believe) tomorrow, but this is really eating away at him.
As of yesterday we were not going to say anything until we got test results back, but I don't think this is something that we can even perceive thinking about alone. Today we told close family, and Greg is not doing very well.
So my dear friends, I ask you to keep him in your prayers. His test is tomorrow at 1pm and I would appreciate any good thoughts you could send our way at that time. I'm trying not to think about what could happen, and just living in the now. If I even begin to think about the possibilities then I start to crumble, and I need to be strong for him and the kids right now.
I don't have much more to write tonight, my mind is completely pre-occupied with tomorrow already. All i can tell you is that I've never been loved so completely and so honestly by another human being until I met Greg. He is my rock, and to see him afraid breaks my heart.
So please Pray that all goes well tomorrow, and that there is nothing for us to worry about!!

4 wonderful people say::

Nicole said...

Definitely praying for you all...

Suzie said...

Will be praying for all of you tomorrow, and continue until you get the results.


Hilary said...

Definately will be praying for you and your husband!!!

Nicole said...

Just letting you know that you've ALL been on my mind today.

Continued prayers...

Love, Nicole