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Friday, August 15, 2008


It took OVER a year, but my new Frames of Infinity site is finally FINISHED!! I have to tell you all that I am in love with it, and hope everyone else likes it as well!! I will add another gallery next week, i just wanted to get the important stuff up there now!! Along with the new site comes a new blog. The wordpress blog just didn't work for me, and i LOVE Blogger, so i changed it. If you would like to visit the new site, the address is still the same...

From there you can visit the new blog, or just hit the link on the side -------->
Let me know what you all think, you all know me the best, and i appreciate your opinions!!

Before I end this I want to update you all on baby Michael(yes that is the spelling they are using)
He is ADORABLE, and mommy and daddy are doing well. Shell is still very sore moving aroud, so please keep her in her prayers. I think they are going home with Michael tomorrow, so say an extra prayer for them while they adapt to life at home!!
I promise I will post extra pictures of him, we just have some errands to run today!!!

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