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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trax Part one

I won't lie, this is another "catch up" post, but by now you've all forgiven me and realize that we're trying to get back on track with our posting. I can also tell you, this won't be the last. We've been quite busy, so things are going to be out of order for a little while. We have a big trip planned home this weekend, AND I'm getting ready to go on a business/fun trip in two weeks, so LOTS more to tell you about soon.

On Saturday the 10th, we got up nice and early and headed out to Trax Farms. It's about 10-15 miles out of the city and it was a nice little drive. Greg had to work in the afternoon, like he does most Saturdays, and even though it was cloudy and drizzling while we got ready, we thought we would brave it anyway. We were so happy we did. By the time we drove down there, the sun was shining and we were peeling off layers.
First stop, the petting zoo. The animals were VERY friendly. Like in your face, chew your jacket, kinda friendly. But that didn't stop my kids. They arn't your normal "city" kids. They barreled right through the sheep, pigs, goats, llamas and other assorted animals with one wanted to be the piggy...I know there's a third person back there....hmmmm.We saw a fun little train running around and the kids decided they wanted to ride it. Fionn was soooo excited!
I mean really. Look at that face.We gave the conductor our tickets, and waited. The ride started. And Fionn melted. He was content just watching sissy go at that point.As long as I stopped taking his picture that is...this is his "beat it paparazzi" face.
He did want to ride the tractor at least. That was more his speed.

2 wonderful people say::

Hilary said...

Such cuties!! looks like alot of fun :)

Anonymous said...

What great pictures of the kids! They were having a great time! Love to see them so happy and making memories! Love you all

Aunt She